usb on office desk

15 November, 2021

Drive Business Growth To Your Company With Promotional USB Drives

Promotional USB Drives are a great way to expand a client’s knowledge about your business or perhaps introduce new people to what your company does. USB flash drives allow for an easy way to put large amounts of information in one source, making it easy for people to access.

According to, in 2020, worldwide sales of USB drives reached 60.1 billion USD. That’s a massive market and that shows their popularity. So, how can they help your business?

  1. No More Catalogues
    Have you ever been to a trade show or conference and left them with a huge stack of catalogues to wade through. They are extremely cumbersome and tie up a large amount of storage space. Plus, you are fumbling through a pile to try and locate the supplier you need. Imagine not having to carry all those catalogues but instead have a USB drive with all that information on it. Prices for memory chips are so cheap nowadays, and a basic 512MB USB drive would be sufficient to hold an entire catalogue of products. You could then insert the drive and browse through to what you need. It won’t be necessary to keep flicking through page after page. This makes it much easier for your clients to find the things they need.

  2. Longevity
    Most USB drives have a shelf life of at least ten years. Could you imagine having ten years of catalogues? They would reach the roof! Clients can easily store them for years, or if you have allowed for additional memory space, they can also use them for personal use while still being able to access information about your company. If you want to use them internally for office use, they can be used repeatedly, rather than printing out lengthy and expensive reports.

  3. Think of the environment
    Just think of all the paper that could be saved if we didn’t print reports, company information or catalogues, but instead put all that information on a USB drive instead for people to peruse on their own time? The savings are enormous, and it also puts your business in a good light with clients, showing you are socially responsible.

  4. Interactivity
    Printed paper is a static medium. When you put information on a USB drive, you can also add interactivity such as a video presentation. This can be informational or educational. People react well to videos and quite often the message can be more powerful and memorable through video rather than static.

There are so many ways a promotional USB drives can help drive your business growth while also saving you money. Contact us today to find out what options are available or request a free quote to see how competitive our prices are in the market. We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

The Custom USB Drives Team